Category: <span>Pediatric TBI</span>

Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries

The number of children and adolescents in this country sustaining traumatic brain injuries is staggering. Each year one million youngsters are taken into emergency rooms with brain injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports, and abuse. Approximately 165,000 of these children will be hospitalized, with 20,000 suffering moderate to severe symptoms. Read more

An Educator’s Guide to the Brain

The brain, our brain, is quite elegantly the supreme organ of learning. All that we do, all that we are, emanates from our brain. Yet, few educators in their undergraduate or graduate work receive detailed information on the brain and how the brain learns or what is happening (or not happening) when the brain does not learn well. Read more

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

While all accidents have the potential for serious injuries, motorcycle riders are at an extra disadvantage. In a collision, …

Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries

The number of children and adolescents in this country sustaining traumatic brain injuries is staggering. Each year one million …

What are seizures?

The terms epilepsy and seizure are often confined. On the one hand, a seizure is the resulting behavior or set of behaviors, …